Foreclosure defense TV leads are favored by groups that prefer inbound calls. A 30-60 second commercial airs in prime time hours 9am-7pm, across the nation, advertising the benefits of foreclosure defense. Home owners that currently fear losing their homes call a toll free number that directs calls to the appropriate foreclosure defense firms. One of the greatest advantages of the foreclosure defense television lead is that they are sold on a cost per call basis. Foreclosure defense is one of those industries where the need of home owners to protect themselves against foreclosure and the banks produces enough calls to offer it on a per call basis. In most industries, tv calls are purchased on a campaign basis, where a custom commercial and expensive media buy are necessary. It’s a good thing for the foreclosure defense industry that they have the ability to purchase weekly campaigns on a cost per lead basis.
The campaigns are so easy to set up. Select your time zone, hours worked, states, and number of leads per day and then just be ready at the designated times to handle the rapid spike in call volume. Calls will come fast and keep sales people busy from one end of the day to the next. Foreclosure defense tv leads are hot inbound calls that convert well to sales, and offer a good return on investment. The 800 number on the campaign routes the calls to foreclosure defense firms participating in television lead campaigns. The system makes organizing the sales day simple and keeps foreclosure defense counselors focused on new sales.
Managers get an added bonus to the simplicity of the campaign with access to the platform that gives them the ability to review their campaigns. The toll free number works in conjunction with a platform that logs calls, measures phone time, and records calls. This system is extremely valuable to management as a tool that allows managers to do their jobs to the best of their abilities. With a user name and password they can review lead flow, spot check recorded calls for lead quality, and monitor the performance of sales people with fresh leads. This functionality is huge for sales managers. Taking it a step further, management is able to run individual and group trainings from the recordings. It’s powerful. This is a tool that allows managers to be in more than one place at a time. They can keep an eye on sales people, train, coach, and look for opportunities to assist sales people in closing their deals. With tv foreclosure defense leads, there is every opportunity to make a huge splash, light up the sales board, and enjoy a solid return on investment.